60th Anniversary Alberti e Santi

On 21 September 2019, the company event for the 60th Anniversary of Alberti e Santi was held at the Borgo Medievale in Vigoleno (PC).

In the presence of the property, employees, customers and suppliers, an important milestone for A&S was celebrated.

The event started with an experience linked to the history of the company (with a dedicated exhibition of the stages of the company’s history in a deconsecrated church), and moved on to the history of the territory (with a guided tour of the village), food and wine (with a dinner linked to the specialities of the territory), art (with performances by street artists) and entertainment (final dj set).

An all-round day, an experience that wanted to put the concept of -person- at the centre of Alberti e Santi’s 60 years, following the philosophy of the ”feeling of belonging” pursued over the years by Alberti e Santi.

The event was a concrete expression of the words of Alberti e Santi CEO Stefano Alberti:

”The family heritage of our company starts with my grandfather, then passes through my father and is carried on with me.

We have always believed that companies are made up of people, and that it is essential that they feel part of a family, both in a working and human sense; this happens by helping each other through difficult times and rejoicing together in the good things.”