Network agreement signed for the creation of the Technical-Professional Pole “Logistic Transport Farm”.
Today, Thursday 31 May, a network agreement was signed to create the technical-professional pole “Logistic Transport Farm”. The agreement was signed at ITIS Da Vinci by the schools I.T.I.S. “Da Vinci” of Parma, I.I.S.S. “Berenini” of Fidenza (PR) and I.S.I.I. “Marconi” of Piacenza. “Marconi” of Piacenza, the ITS Foundation for Sustainable Mobility and Logistics of Piacenza and the ITL Foundation of Bologna, the companies Lanzi Trasporti srl and Sani Trasporti srl of Parma and the company Alberti e Santi Srl of Piacenza, the Unione Parmense degli Industriali and Confindustria Piacenza, Fai Emilia and the training agencies For.P.In. of Piacenza and Cisita Parma.